These snow cones were made with fresh, in-season blueberries and local honey, which may possibly make them the best snow cones you've ever had.

We added orange flower water (available in specialty grocery stores or online) to reinforce the floral nose truly fresh blueberries possess. You can do this same operation with other berries and add whatever you like to the top to customize your own grown-up snow cone.

Blueberry Cream Snow Cones


2 pints fresh blueberries
2 cups water
1/2 cup sugar
juice of 1 lemon
1/4 teaspoon orange flower water
2 tablespoons honey
half and half (to garnish)

Serves 6


In a medium pan over medium heat, cook the blueberries, water, sugar, and lemon juice for 10 minutes to soften the berries. Run the mixture through a food mill or blend it in a food processor and strain it using a fine mesh strainer in order to remove any of the blueberry pulp. Stir in the orange flower water and the honey. Allow the mixture to cool.

Pour mixture into a 9 x 13 inch ceramic casserole dish and place into the freezer. After one hour, stir the mixture; use a fork to break up any lumps and return it to the freezer. After another hour, use a fork to scrape the surface of the ice, stir, pack it back town, and return it to the freezer. After one additional hour, it will be ready to serve.

To serve, scrape the surface of the ice with the tines of a fork. This will create what looks like purple snow. Using an ice cream scoop, place two scoops in a cup, top it with a 1 1/2 teaspoons of half and half, and enjoy.